Online Elocution and Quiz Competition – August 2021
As a part of Independence Day Celebrations 2021, an online elocution and quiz competition on “Lives of Freedom Fighters” will be conducted by Speakathon Club under mentorship of Training and Placement Cell, GJUS&T on 15th August 2021 in order to create patriotic feeling among youth and masses.
Elocution Rules:
- Competition will be held on Zoom platform
- While entering the Zoom meeting, contestants should mention their proper names
- Medium will be English and Hindi as per your registration
- Contestants have to select one freedom fighter from the list below and will have to narrate any story, incident, biography or life lessons from their life span
- Two best speakers each from English and Hindi will be given prizes and participation certificate will be give to all the participants
Quiz Rules:
- Quiz will be composed of 50 questions and time limit will be 30 minutes
- All question will be from the life span of freedom fighter given below
- Top 3 winners will be awarded with the certificate of excellence
- In case of equal marks, submission time will be considered for final rank
- Quiz link will be open from 12 PM to 2 PM
- Results will be declared in the meeting of elocution competition at 3 PM
Online Elocution and Quiz Competition: Stages and Timelines
Online Quiz Competition
Quiz will be through Google Form. Link will be active for 2 hours.
Online Round
An online elocution competition will take place.
- Graduate
- Engineering Students
- MBA Students
- Postgraduate
- School Students
- Startups
- Corporate
Important dates
Registration Deadline – 13 Aug’21
Very nice I like it