Fish Art Contest 2022
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The ART of Conservation
The Fish Art Contest was inspired in 1997 by a 5th grader’s homework assignment and has grown into an international competition introducing young people to the wonders of fish, the joy of fishing, and the importance of aquatic conservation. The Fish Art Contest uses art, science, and creative writing to foster connections to the outdoors and inspire the next generation of stewards.
The Fish Art Contest is open to all youth in grades K-12 (ages 5-18). To compete Participants will submit an entry consisting of a completed entry form, an original illustration of a fish of your choice, and a one-page creative writing submission (required for grades 4-12). The 2022 contest deadline is March 31st, 2022.
Rules & Guidelines
The Fish Art Contest is free and open to all persons in grades K-12 (aged 5-18 years old).
Only one entry allowed per person, previous entries are not eligible.
An entry consists of an entry form, artwork and creative writing submission (writing
required for grades 4th-12th)
Entries must abide by the guidelines below and be postmarked to the address listed at the
top of the entry form (preferred) or emailed to [email protected] by March 31st,
Artwork Specifications:
• Size Range: Between 8.5-9” tall and 11”-12” wide, up to 1/4” thick without mat or frame
• Orientation: Horizontal, any vertical entries will be disqualified.
• Artwork must be the contestants original hand-done creation, you may not reproduce
another artists work and present it as your own or use digital mediums or computers.
Participants are allowed to use photos, videos, and artwork, including those of past
State-Fish Art participants as inspiration when creating your artwork. Any artwork found
to infringe on copyright laws will be disqualified from the contest.
• Art should feature any fish species from the Official Fish List
• Art must be free of any signatures or initials on the front of the art, signatures are allowed
on the back of the artwork.
• Art must be free of any writing unless it relates to the artwork (i.e. the name of a boat)
• All mediums except digitally rendered art and photographs are accepted. Please spray
chalk and pastel entries with a fixative to eliminate smudging. A loose cover sheet may be
laid over the face of the artwork for protection during shipping.
Creative Writing Specifications:
• Length: no more than one side of one page, typed or handwritten, with the contestants
name, grade, and state on the back.
• Creative writing should show the contestants knowledge, connection to and/or
understanding of their chosen fish.
• Creative writing submissions may be decorated, have illustrations or be creative in
appearance but the words should be the main focus of the piece.
• Creative writing not required for contestants in grades K-3 and international participants.
Entry Form Specifications:
• Participants should be sure to select the entry form that applies to them, AK, FL, GA, MO,
NE, TX, International, or general.
• Entry form must contain an email or phone number and mailing address for the artist or
participating adult .
• Entry form must be signed by both the artist and an adult
• If entry is mailed, entry form must be affixed to the back of the artwork with a clear glue
stick. If you do not have a glue stick, paperclip the entry form to the artwork and we will
glue it for you.
Artwork Return Specifications**:
• Entries submitted by a US formal public or private school classroom teacher and all US 1st
place winners will receive free return shipping of their artwork and a certificate of
• **US participants who would like their artwork returned must include a $10 payment
payable to Wildlife Forever to cover materials, shipping and handling for up to 4 entries to
be returned to the same address. Payments can be made by including a check or sending
a completed credit card form (available at the end of this document) with your entry. If you
are interested in having multiple entries returned to the same address, please contact
Wildlife Forever at [email protected] to receive information about bulk shipping
• ** This information does not apply to participants from AK, GA, FL, MO, NE and TX. Contact
[email protected] to be connected to your state’s host.
Submitting your Entry:
• Option 1: Mail your complete Entry to the address listed at the top of your entry form by
March 31st, 2022.
• Option 2: Email a Photo, Scan, or Copy of your Artwork, Entry Form and Creative Writing to
[email protected] by March 31st, 2022.
• Please review this presentation for tips
International Participants:
• Please submit your entry through email. Send a scanned copy or photo of your artwork
and entry form to F[email protected] by March 31st, 2022.
• Creative Writing is not required for any international participant.
• If you choose to send your entry by mail, please know that we will not be able to return it.
How to Enter the 2022 Fish Art Contest
The 2022 Contest is now OPEN! Contestants have until March 31st, 2022 to submit their entry.
1. With an adult, review the Rules & Guidelines for the 2022 Contest
2. Select any fish species of your choice.
Some species are eligible for special awards! Learn more about the 2022 Specialty Awards
3. Utilize the Fish On! Lesson Plan, books, and reputable online resources to research your fish species. You may choose to print out the Guided Research Form to keep track of your findings.
4. Create your State-Fish Art Entry consisting of two parts:
Part A
An original HORIZONTAL illustration between 8.5″- 9″ tall and 11″- 12″ wide in size featuring a species of your choice.
Part B
A personally written essay (one side of one page) relating to your chosen fish species. You may also choose to answer the question “Why do you think it is important to protect our lakes, rivers, estuaries and coastlines?” Essays will be judged and awarded, but are not required, for contestants in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade or from countries other than the USA.
5. Complete a contest Entry Form. Be sure to choose the Entry Form for your state, if applicable.
6. Submit your Entry.
Option 1 (Preferred): Mail your entry to the address listed at the top of your Entry Form before March 31st, 2022.
Option 2: Email scanned copies or photos of your entry to [email protected]. **All International entries should be submitted through e-mail
Winners will be announced at the beginning of May 2022.
Prizes will be sent by mail after winners are announced.
Last date of Submission - 31st March 2022
Location / Contacts
- Phone : 763-253-0222
- Mail : Email: [email protected]
- Website :
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