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Reflections Competitions : July – 2022

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Writing Competition Theme : “Politics and Elections”

Reflections Competitions : July – 2022

We introduce ourselves as ‘People’s Reflections’, a Platform made for people where one can express views, opinions, and thoughts on any subject. We believe that competitions are the best way to motivate talented people to present their thoughts and encourage their talent before a large audience.

We are happy to announce once again a ‘Writing Competition’ for the month of July-2022 and invite budding writers, journalists, students, and authors to express their views.

After organising writing competitions on versatile topics, we have thought of attempting an exceptional theme for July 2022 Competition i.e. “Politics and Elections”. Any topic apart from the “Politics and Elections” theme will not be accepted. We hope, our writers will appreciate and enjoy writing something different this time.

Politics & Elections

In today’s world, politics has developed into one of the most influential aspects for people across the world. It doesn’t just affect the politicians and the government but every citizen in different nations. And it happens because things like politics and elections impact our lives greatly, whether we are aware of it or not. Throughout history, politics and elections have experienced immense transformations and have continued to be prominent topics of curiosity and discussion. And now it’s your time, to provide your opinions about politics and elections in India and across the world.


  1. First Prize: INR 12,000/-.
  2. Second Prize: INR 7,500/-.
  3. Third Prize: INR 5,500/-.
  4. Total 30 winners will be selected under “Exceptional Writing Skills” category – INR 1,000/- each.

(Note: Personalized E-certificates will be issued to all the participants including winners.)

Entry Fees

  1. The entry fee is INR 300/- per article.
  2. Participants can submit more than one article also. Every article is considered as a separate entry and entry fees of INR 300/- is applicable.
  3. On payment of entry fee, E-receipt will be forwarded to the registered Email of the Participant.

Last Date of Submission

The Last date for uploading an article will be 31st July 2022. Results of the Competition will be announced on or before 15th August 2022.

You can see below the results of previous month’s writing competitions:


  • Eligible Articles will be published on our website under the by-line of the Authors. (Eligible Articles means the Articles meeting the standard of our websites and copyright issues).
  • The Article shall range between a minimum of 1000 words to a maximum no limit. This terms is not applicable in case of poems.
  • The Article shall mandatorily have a Title (5-10 words) and a Subtitle (15-25 words). To view a few examples, you can visit our website
  • Already published articles on our website will not be removed at the request of the authors unless any specific and justifiable reasons are provided in writing on our Email: [email protected].
  • The participants should ensure that the article shall be original as we use plagiarism technology for review.
  • Provide your article in a simple word format along with the images you wish to use in .jpeg or .png format with good resolution on [email protected]. This term is applicable only in case if you are unable to use our editor properly to upload an image.
  • The participants shall upload articles on our website i.e. by creating login credentials. How to upload an article is explained below.
  • Kindly note that we do not give marks for uploading an article on our website. Uploading of articles is merely a process the participant needs to follow.

How to Upload Article?

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in on the website through Facebook, Gmail, or creating independent login credentials.
  3. Create your detailed profile along with a suitable image of the author by visiting the right-hand side top button on the home page and clicking on ‘My Profile’. In profile, kindly provide your educational/ career brief, expertise as well as achievements so far.
  4. In the Portfolio in profile tab, you can upload images of your certificates of achievements or any art work, if you are an artist.
  5. After creating a profile, click on the right-hand side top button and then click on the ‘Write Article’ option or you can also click on the (+) button on the right-hand side top of the home page of the website.
  6. In ‘Write Article Editor’, Title (5-10 words) and Subtitle (15-25 words) are mandatory.
  7. In the main body of the article, you can add an image by clicking on the (+) mark. You can add multiple images also in your article. Kindly note that the uploaded image shall be cropped in such a way that it shall fit in the image box provided for upload irrespective of whether the image is horizontal or vertical.
  8. Your article shall be supported by suitable images. You can pick images from,, or as these three websites are free for images. If you are pulling images from any other website, the ‘source’, and ‘image reference’ shall be mentioned below images without fail.
  9. If you are adopting images from any website, provide URL details of the said images and website details without fail on our email – [email protected]. We need to ensure this from the copyright perspective.
  10. After clicking on the ‘Save’ button at the bottom, you will be directed to the next page, where, in the ‘Optional Title’ box, you have to write ‘Reflections Competition : July – 2022’ without fail.
  11. You need to add meta keywords, meta descriptions, and URL without fail in the corresponding boxes. To understand what Meta Description is, and Meta Keywords and URL, kindly check our FAQs on
  12. After the URL, select one of the images appearing in the images box. This image will appear with your article on the homepage of our website, once the article is published. You can visit the home page of our website and view some examples.
  13. After selecting images, click on the terms and conditions box and then click on the ‘Save’ button.
  14. Once you submit the article, it will come for moderation to the Reflections Team.
  15. Eligible articles will be published on our website within 4-6 days of their uploading on our website.
  16. Results will be declared on our website and a suitable mail will also be forwarded to all the participants along with E-certificates.
  17. For any article other than the English language, the URL shall be in English only.
  18. For any query in relation to uploading an article, kindly write to [email protected] or on the WhatsApp link given on our website.
  19. For other FAQs, kindly refer to our website.
What are ‘Meta Keywords’?

Meta keywords attributes to the important keywords present in your article and viewers may possibly adopt those keywords to search articles in search engines of Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Please note while selecting Meta Keywords, special characters shall not be used i.e.”, #, $, %, -, +, [, ], \, /, :, ;, etc.

What is ‘Meta Description’?

 A ‘meta description’ also called ‘Tag’ which summarizes the contents of your page in brief for the benefit of users/ readers and search engines of Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Please note while selecting Meta Keywords, special characters shall not be used i.e. ”, #, $, %, -, +, [, ], \, /, :, ;, etc.

What is ‘URL’ and is it mandatory?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is an address given to your content page on the Web. In theory, each valid URL points to a unique resource. Please note while creating URL, special characters shall not be used i.e. ”, #, $, %, -, +, [, ], \, /, :, ;, etc. Following are some examples of URLs on our website.


  • - here the URL is ‘Significance of yoga on this International Yoga Day’.
  • - here the URL is ‘yellow fungus case in india’.


If you are interested in this contest and the eligibility criteria matches, you can register for this event by clicking the Register button.

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Last Date to upload : 31st July 2022.
Results of the Competition on or before 15th August 2022.

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Priya M 20 Places Hosted

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