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Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) is an initiative of Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA), in collaboration with Vigyan Prasar, an autonomous organization under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), an institution under the Ministry of Education (earlier known as Ministry of Human Resources and Development). VVM is a national program for popularizing science among school students of standard VI to XI, conceptualised to identify the bright minds with a scientific aptitude among the student community.
Objectives of Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan
- To create interest among students in pure science
- To educate school children about India’s contributions, from traditional to modern, to the world of science and technology
- To provide hands-on training to students through workshops and other events
- To provide mentors for preparing students to carry forward their education in the field of science
- To conduct competitive tests to identify students who have a scientific bent of mind
- To identify successful students at the State and National levels and felicitate them
- To organise exposure visits for the winners to various R&D institutions in the country
Students participating in VVM shall undergo the following multi-level testing procedures:
- Objective type Multiple Choice Questions
- Comprehensive Writing
- Presentation and Group Discussion
- Role Play
- Practical examination
- Methods of Science
VIJNANA BHARATI (VIBHA) is a national movement for the propagation and popularization of Science & Technology among students and masses. VIBHA promotes scientific contributions made by India in ancient times as well as now. Now we are the largest scientific organization having the longest chain of state units and networking institutions across the country.
Vigyan Prasar (VP) is a national institute for science and technology communication established in 1989 under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. It promotes and propagates a scientific and rational outlook in society, nurtures interest in science, encourages creativity and develops capacity for informed decision making.
National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT) is an organisation set up by the Government of India in the year 1961 to assist and advise the central and state governments on academic matters related to school education. The major objectives of NCERT and its constituent units are to: undertake, promote and coordinate research in areas related to school education; prepare and publish model textbooks, supplementary material, newsletters, journals and develop educational kits, multimedia digital materials, etc.
Science and Mathematics from text books 50% (50 Questions) [1 Mark Each] NCERT Curriculum
Indian Contributions to Science 20% (20 Questions) [1 Mark Each] VVM Study Material*
Life Story of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray*& 20% (20 Questions) [1 Mark Each] VVM Study Material India’s Freedom Struggle & Science **
Logic & Reasoning 10% (10 Questions) [1 Mark Each] General Reading
All about Registration and Examination:
Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan is a national level, unique, App based, science talent search examination that is conducted online. The registered students will be allowed to take exam from his/her own device, namely, a smart phone (mobile), laptop or desktop from his/her home. Exam will be conducted on windows and android platforms ONLY. First level examination will be conducted on 30th November or 5th December,2021. Timing of the examination will be the same all over India.
The mode of registration will also be online.
(A) Individual Student Registration:
- We are open for individual registration.
- The student will enter details like Name, DOB, Create Password, Class, School Name, Address, District, State etc. and then the entered data will be verified by VVM admin by sending OTP’s on registered Mobile Number and Email Id respectively. Both the OTP’s will be different and required to be entered for completion of verification process.
- Now students will be provided with an option to make the online payment after logging into the website. They can select from options of payment according to their ease using the payment gateway.
- After completion of registration process the student will be provided with a unique username (on registered email id) and password (encrypted format).
- Date for the examination will be pre-selected (either 30th November or 5th December,2021) and students will not be allowed to make any changes in the same. Student has to arrange for a device with good internet connectivity on the pre-selected date and time of examination.
(B) School/Institute and Student Registration:
We encourage bulk registration through the school/institute. To register under school/institute category, a minimum 10 students per class have to be registered.
STEP – I: Appointment of School/Institute Exam Coordinator
- The School/Institute Principal/authority needs to appoint the School/Institute exam coordinator and he/she will register the school/institute and the students as per STEP-II and STEP-III.
STEP – II: Registration of School/Institute
- Enter the details of the school like School/Institute Name, School/Institute Address, Name of the Principal, Name of the Exam Coordinator, Mobile Number, Email Id etc. This information will be displayed as school/institute profile on the VVM website.
- The entered data will be verified by VVM admin by sending OTP’s on registered Mobile Number and Email Id respectively. Both the OTP’s will be different and required to be entered for completion of verification process.
- After completion of verification the school/institute will be provided with a unique identification number, username and password.
- The exam coordinator will now be able to register students who wish to take up the VVM online exam after logging to the website.
- After completion of verification the school/institute will be provided with a Unique Code, visible after logging in their dashboard which can be distributed to students.
TEP – III: Registration of Students from School/Institute
- Exam coordinator can ask the students of his/her school/institute (who wish to take up the VVM online exam) to register in individual student category and enter the Unique Code in their dashboard. As soon as the students will enter the Unique Code in their dashboard they will be automatically added in school dashboard.
- Two other options with the exam coordinator to register the students are:
- Online – One by one online entry of the student details.
- Offline – The coordinator enters minimal details like Name of the student, Class, Gender, Email ID, Phone No. etc. in the prescribed excel format provided for this purpose. It will be an offline process, because, editable excel file (no changes in the format of file will be acceptable) is provided for data entry.
- This information will be reflected on the website as student profile.
- After completion of the entries the data can be uploaded online partially or completely. If the uploading or data submission is successful he/she will be directed towards the payment page automatically.
- After the successful submission of exam fee the exam coordinator will be provided with each student’s username and password via email and these details will also be available on school profile page. He/she will be required to distribute the same to respective students. The login credentials of students will not function till the fee payment status is updated.
- After that the job of exam coordinator is complete unless/until modification of student’s details is needed!
STEP – IV: Creation of Student Profile
- After first time login, students will be required to update/change their password (mandatory).
- The student can complete their profile after logging into the website. In the student profile page, the details of the student like profile photo, DoB, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Residential address etc. need to be uploaded.
- Date for the examination will be pre-selected and students will not be allowed to make any further changes in the same. Student has to arrange for a device with good internet connectivity on the pre-selected date and time of examination.
- The student must also specify the details of the device (as the Apps for each device varies) from which he is planning to take the exam in order to download the VVM Exam App compatible with his/her device.
- Student can confirm the details displayed or change the device by providing the details of the device from which he will be taking the exam. The details of all the students registered from that school/institute will be accessible from the school/institute login. The authority to modify a student’s profile rests only with the Principal or School/Institute Exam Coordinator.
About Devices and Internet facility:
All the students will appear for the examination through their own devices with internet connectivity from their home. Students will have to ensure time-to-time update of VVM Exam App. Students must ensure that they use the same device that they had used to attempt mock exams. They should also ensure that the device is fully charged and App is working properly if they are using any other device.
Exam Application (App) Download and Installation:
Once the registration process is complete, the exam App will be available for download from the profile page of the student. The App (app) will be installed and will function properly only if the registered device (laptop/tablet/mobile) details are correct or it is downloaded according to the operating system of the desired device from student’s profile page. The profile page will contain detailed instructions for App download and installation. Request support link will be available in case of any issues.
Once the App is downloaded, the user will have the option to test the same by writing Mock Exams. Students will have to update it regularly and for this purpose he/she will have to allow push notification from this App for update notifications.
Notifications and Mock test:
To build confidence of the students and to make exam user friendly, mock tests will be conducted regularly. The registered students will get regular notifications regarding the availability of mock exams. On the specified date and time, the student can login in Exam App and take the mock test.
On completion of the mock test, the students can view their result of the same on the result page. After verification of answers student can report to admin if he/she faces any problems through the feedback section of the App.
Final Examination:
Four days before the date of exam, the student will receive an SMS and Email notification to download the latest App. This download must be done at least three days prior to the exam date. After 27th November, 2021, the App will be available for download (link will be enabled) for all those appearing in the examination on 30th November or 05th December, 2021.
The student will not be able to appear for the exam without the latest App (updated version) installed in the desired device. Either on 30th November or on 05th December, 2021, students can login in the Exam App anytime from 10:00AM to 08:00PM to write the exam with his/her selected device (mobile/tablet /laptop).
On receiving this request the App will verify the following:
a) Student’s login details – username and password.
b) Connection speed and give warning if the speed is below threshold.
c) Verify the Exam App ID to make sure that the student is using the latest version of the App.
d) After successful verification students will be asked for Invigilator Key which will be available in the Exam App itself. Once the Invigilator Key is entered, the exam will start at the stipulated time.
No student will be allowed or will be able to login before 10:00AM or after 08:00PM. Students can login only once, either on 30th November or on 05th December, 2021.
- Students will have to click on Go To Exam button in Exam App screen to write the exam.
- Students will see the Instructions on the first page. He/she is requested to read all the instructions carefully and then click of I Agree button given at the end of the same to start the Exam.
- There will be Two Segments in Exam namely Section-A and Section-B
- Students will be provided 30 minutes to answer 40 questions of Section-A.
- The student will be able to see only one question at a time.
- He/She will be able to review the answers of section-A, until or unless the final submission of the answers for the section or completion on the time duration i.e. 30 minutes. After that he/she will be redirected to the Section-B.
- Student can edit or change the answers by clicking on the review tab and question number only before the submission of the answers for this section or completion of the time duration.
- Students will be provided 60 minutes to answer 60 questions in Section-B.
- The student will be able to see one question at a time.
- He/she will be able to review the answers in this section until or unless the final submission of the answers for this section or before the completion on the time duration i.e. 60 minutes. After that he/she will be redirected to the Final Submission of Answer Sheet.
- Student can edit or change the answers by clicking on the review tab and question number only before the submission of the answers for this section or completion of the time duration.
- After that he/she will be redirected to the Final Submission of Answer Sheet.
- The top panel of the App will display the statistics regarding the number of questions Answered, Marked for Review, Time Left, etc.
- Fifteen minutes before end of the examination, the student will get an alert stating “15 minutes are left”.
- Students completing the exam before stipulated time can submit his/her answers by clicking on the “SUBMIT” button.
- Once the submission is over student will get a Submission notification and he/she will not be able/allowed to write the exam again.
- After completion of the exam time students need to upload answer sheets via all three options namely
1) Upload Answer Sheet,
2) Upload Text File and
3) Email Text File.
In case of any connection failure, the answers will be automatically saved by the App to the local system - in an encrypted format. The student can upload the answer sheet within the time window provided.
Registration will be available only through Online Mode on VVM’s website
Eligibility: Students from classes VI to XI studying under CBSE, ICSE and State Boards
Language: English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Odia, Malayalam, Assamese
Exam center: Home
Registration Opens on 07th August, 2021
Closes on 31st October, 2021 (without Late Fee)
Fee Rs. 100/- (till 31st October, 2021) without Late Fee
Mode of Payment Through payment gateway and ONLINE (RTGS/NEFT) and Challan payment only,
NO CASH/ DD / Cheque will be acceptable.
Individually registering student are requested to make payment through the online mode (payment gateway) only.
Only school principal / exam coordinators can deposit fee directly in VVM’s account. After depositing fee they are requested to retain deposit slip with Transaction ID, Date & Time to be upload (in .jpeg format) on VVM offline payment mode option provided in their school / institute dashboard. Fee payment status will be updated after 48hrs of uploading the deposit slip/receipt.
Account Details Account Number : 7009607017
IFSC Code : IDIB000D008
Branch Name & Address : Indian Bank, Defence Colony, New Delhi
LEVEL – I SCHOOL TOPPERS Top 3 rankers per class will be SCHOOL winners (i.e. 18 students from each school). Minimum 10 students per class must be registered from a school to qualify for this category. Merit Certificate
Certificates will be generated online only. Participating students can download them from profile account after logging into it on our website. No printed copy of the same will be provided.
LEVEL – II DISTRICT TOPPERS Top 3 rankers per class will be DISTRICT winners (i.e. 18 students from each district). [All schools from that district will be part of evaluation]. Merit Certificate
Certificates will be generated online only. Participating students can download them from profile account after logging into it on our website. No printed copy of the same will be provided.
LEVEL – III STATE LEVEL WINNERS Top 20 rankers from each class from a state will qualify to participate in the state level camp. Top 3 rankers per class will be STATE winners (i.e. 18 students per state). [Winners will be chosen from among students appearing in the state camp].
State Camp Participation Certificate
State Camp Memento
Cash prize Rs. 5,000/-, Rs. 3,000/- and Rs. 2,000/- for 1st, 2nd and 3rd rankers per class
LEVEL – IV NATIONAL LEVEL WINNERS Top 2 winners at the state level, from each state, will qualify to participate in the National Camp.
Top 3 rankers per class will be NATIONAL winners i.e. Himalayans (i.e. 18 students at national level).
Top 3 Rankers per class, from a zone, will be ZONAL winners in addition to National winners (i.e. 18 students per zone).
Participation Certificate
National Camp Memento
Cash prize Rs. 25,000/-, Rs. 15,000/- and Rs. 10,000/- for 1st, 2nd and 3rd rankers per class, Internship and Scholarship of 1 year
Cash prize Rs. 5,000/-, Rs. 3,000/- and Rs. 2,000/- for 1st, 2nd and 3rd rankers per class in each zone and Internship
Upload of VVM Study Material - 15 th August 2021
Mock Tests - 1st November 2021 onwards
Date of Examination - 30 th November 2021 or 5 th December 2021
Declaration of Result - 20 th December 2021
One or Two day State Camp 9 th 16th & 23 th January 2022 (any one day)
Two-day National Camp -14th & 15th May 2022
Location / Contacts
- Phone : +91 98996 15277
- Mail : [email protected]
- Website :
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